1. What does “home” mean to you?

Home is something I am blessed to know the meaning of now. Home is where my children and I are safe. The alarm clock of echoes of little feet pattering against the floor, toys scattered about, and endless bouts of laughter. The walls that hold heartfelt memories.

2. Who or what inspires you?

 “And here you are living despite it all…” Rupi Kaur – This has always reminded me that my life is meaningful.  I am here for a reason.  This leads to my second inspiration, my puppy. I hold her near and dear to my heart, always. She taught me unconditional love.

3. What was your life like before Bridge of Hope Harrisburg Area?

I was in a domestic violence relationship for several years. I fought many times to leave but was not successful due to my fear and insecurities.  I lost my sense of self and best friend whom I loved dearly in this process. I was facing eviction due to lengthy court hearings fighting to keep my children and me safe while recovering from surgery for an injury inflicted by our abuser.

4. Where do you want to see yourself and your family in the next one to two years?

In the future, I want to have a stable career and income. I want my children to be their happiest selves and learn who they are in a healthy environment surrounded by love and support.  I want to stop living in fear and start living for the present. I want to regain my sense of self-worth and heal to close this traumatic chapter in my life.

5. What is your family’s greatest strength? 


6. How would you describe your family’s personality?



*Names have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the families.

Bridge of Hope Harrisburg Area | P.O. Box 15212, Harrisburg, PA 17105